Detox Programme

toxins feed disease


From self-induced toxins, pathogens or environmental toxins, our body’s are continually subjected to pollutants that can effect our health.

Within this programme we focus on detoxifying the organs; liver, kidneys, skin and lymphatic systems at a cellular level utilising Biofeedback and Nutritional therapy.

Leaving you feeling clearer, stronger and healthier.


tailored for you

Discover the root cause of your unique physiological symptoms and learn how to heal them naturally with this extensive programme.

4X Weekly Sessions

Scans & monitor your toxic levels and apply EMF feedback to boost healing, reduce reactions and get a bounce back in your step.

1:1 Support

Throughout the programme you will receive 1 to 1 support from Laura not only within sessions, but also via WhatsApp should a crisis or unwanted symptoms arise.


What we can help with

Are you feeling like you're only functioning at 10% and just don't know why?

Toxin build up can destroy body tissue, damage organs, depress the immune system and ultimately poison your system, leaving you more susceptible to disease. 

Digestion not eliminating efficiently and or eating the wrong foods can feed pathogens creating a harbouring ground for bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi.

candida albicans yeast infection on vagina or penis, oral thrush, itchiness, irritation or white discharge.

Heavy metal toxicity Lead from exhaust fumes, industrial waste, Mercury from fish, or amalgam fillings in our teeth can all lead to a weakened immune system and fatigue.

Mould toxicity and mycotoxins the HLA gene prevents the body from eliminating mycotoxins, causing a ‘Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome’ CIRS, leaving you with pain and immobility.

Internal toxins can create a bed for bad bacteria, fungus, yeast overgrowth or viruses.

cosmetics skin or haircare often have harsh chemicals; sulphates, parabens, phthalates, fragrances, triclosan, toluene, talc, lead, Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), propylene glycol, Formaldehyde, diethanolamine (foaming agent), hydroquinone, petroleum or alcohol can irritate your skin or respiratory system.

Toxic build-up is often the route of disease.

This programme will help you detox your body at a cellular level to accelerate healing leaving you feeling clearer and more energised again.

The Programme

What’s included?

• 6 weekly sessions, 60 mins each.

• Utilising both Biofeedback and Nutritional Therapy

• Focus is on detoxing the body of candida, thrush, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, food toxins, pathogens and organs.

• Detox Scan + EMF feedback.

• What foods are highest in antioxidants protecting you against free radicals, heavy metals and promote natural detoxification.

• How toxins disrupt the normal function of proteins and DNA compromising your health.

• Top most common inflammatory foods to avoid.

• Elimination diet for improved digestion and gut healing.

• Liver detoxing smoothies.

• Shopping list of do’s and don’t foods.

• WhatsApp support throughout

Investment: £648


  • We focus on the following scans within the Detox Programme to improve your toxic load, digestion and energy levels.


    Amalgams, Asbestos, Chlorine, Carbon Monoxide, Insecticides, Radiation, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Fluorine.


    Amoeba, Bacteria, Fungi, Virus, Rickettsia, Vaccines, Parasites, Prions, Food Toxins and Sugar Toxins.


    Alcohol, Caffeine, Tobacco, Intestinal Toxins, Dairy, Constipation, Mental Toxins, Injury/Surgery, Pork/Beef Toxins and Gluten.


    Here are just some of the remedies we can scan, including discovering your constitutional remedy and what specific potency you need at the time to help you through any blockages you might be experiencing.






    Stinging nettle


    Arsenicum Album

    Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, Calc Sulph.

    Ferr Phos.

    Kali Mur, K. Phos, Kali Sulph.

    Mag Phos - eases cramps.

    Nat Mur, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph




    Calcarea Carbonica

    Lac caninum




    Tarantula Hispanica


    Bladder Meridian

    Conception vessel

    Gall Bladder

    Governing Vessel

    Heart Meridian

    Kidney Meridian

    Large Intestine

    Liver Meridian

    Lung Meridian


    Small Intestine



    Triple Warmer


    BL01 Jing Ming - BL67 Zhiyin

    CV01 Huiyin - CV24 Chengijang

    GB01 Tongzilao - GB44 Zuqiaoyin

    GV01 Changqiang - GV28 Yinjiao

    HE01 Jiquan - HE09 Shaochong

    KI01 Yongquan - KI27 Shufu

    LI01 Shangyang - LI20 Yingxiang

    LR01 Dadun - LR14 Qi Men

    LU01 Zhongfu - LU11 Shaoshang

    PC01 Tianchi - PC09 Zhongchong

    SI01 Shaoze - SI19 Tinggong

    SP01 YinBai - SP21 Dadao

    ST01 Chengqi - ST45 Lidui

    TE01 Guanchong - TE22 Erheliao


    Discover which vertebra is the root of your pain and alleviate the relief. Especially helpful for back specialists; chiropractor, osteopath, cranial sacral and massage therapists.

    NECK - Cervical 1 - 7

    BACK - Thoracic 1 - 12

    BASE - Lumbar 1 - 5


    Bioresonance identifies your acute and chronic susceptibilities that could be contributing to your ailments. By discovering your symptomatic patterns it can help us identify the root cause of your symptoms.

    We can scan & test the following -

    Acid / Alkaline Balance, Allergy Sensitivity, Amoeba, Bacteria, Blood, Blood Sugar Balance, Bone, Vitamins & Minerals, Cardiovascular, Circulation, Connective tissue, Digestive, Emotional, Environmental, Food poisoning, Fungus, Hormonal, Hypodrenia (adrenal fatigue), Infection, Inflammation, Immune Weakness, Kidneys, Liver, Lymphatics, Miasms, Neurological, Parasites, Stress, Toxicity, Trauma and Viruses.



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