Beat the Bloat

  1. Eat KEto

Keto is a low carb diet, but it’s the refined carbohydrates that are the real issue causing your tummy to invariably bloat. On your plate I always recommend 40% healthy good fats, 25% protein, 30% greens, 5% carbs, I also don't exclude potatoes, technically not strict keto, but also aids hormonal health.

2. Do intermittent fasting

Your body needs far less food than you think. Your digestive system regularly needs a break to begin the healing process. When you don't consume food the body looks for energy elsewhere, this forces it to use fat stores for energy instead. Growth hormones kick into action around 13 hours and MIT research shows intestinal stem cells begin to heal around the 24 hour mark.

3. Organise your weekly meals

This is so important, as it stops you reaching for junk / dead food. Planning weekly meals ahead of time means you’re less likely to snack on unhealthy foods or get takeaways which can invariably lead to bloating.

4. Do regular colon cleanses

Why? Your colon is 6-8 feet long and pocketed, so it can hold a lot of matter. The more it stores, the more it swells, leaving you feeling bloated and tired. Undigested food and compacted faeces create a harbouring ground for pathogens and disease that seep into your bloodstream causing an array of unwanted symptoms. Doing regular colon cleanses, reduces bloating, speeds up your metabolism and boosts energy.

5). Eat plenty of greens

Greens are nature's natural detoxifiers. Rich in vital minerals, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Greens are full of prebiotics for good bacteria in your gut that speeds up metabolism and help to reduce bloating.

Gut health is not exclusive to these tips, we are all unique, which is why the Bioresonance device is an incredibly important tool to my practice and for your health. For an individual assessment on how you can eliminate bloating, boost energy and improve your health contact me on

#guthealth #keto #intermittentfasting #mealprep #coloncleanse #eatyourgreens🌱 #obesity #diabetes #insomnia #ibs #autoimmunedisease #bioresonancetherapy #lifesystem

Laura Jane HumphreysComment