Bespoke Scans
getting answers to your symptoms
Bioresonance offers multiple scans enabling us to get to the root cause of your symptoms.
Do you think you’ve got food sensitivities, intolerances or allergies causing you horrible symptoms? Discover how Biofeedback’s Allergy Scans can help you.
Scan Beta, Alpha, Theta or Delta brain waves. Scan cognitive issues; ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, learning difficulties, compulsive / foggy thinking. Scan specific anatomical parts of the brain.
Scan your chakras; Crown, Brow, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Base. Colour and aura for healing your energetic body.
Amalgams, Asbestos, Chlorine, Carbon Monoxide, Insecticides, Radiation, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Fluorine.
Amoeba, Bacteria, Fungi, Virus, Rickettsia, Vaccines, Parasites, Prions, Food and Sugar Toxins.
Alcohol, Caffeine, Tobacco, Intestinal Toxins, Dairy, Constipation, Mental Toxins, Injury/Surgery, Pork/Beef Toxins and Gluten.
EMOTIONAL STRESSES: what stresses you the most.
RELATIONSHIP STRESSES: who is most stressful in your life.
EMOTIONAL CONFLICTS: where are you conflicted within yourself?
AGE TIMELINE: release stress from conception to now.
Scan over 600 potential different homeopathic remedies to see which one your body needs to help get back to balance again.
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