Berry Compoté

This is one of our favourite go to’s for breakfast, or just as a snack.

It’s super quick and easy. Packed full of rich antioxidants, omega oils and absolutely no sugars, or nasty fillers helping your tummy and mind heal.

Great to batch cook and keep in the fridge which of course is what we’re all about with young children in the house!

Berry Compoté

Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 10 mins Total time: 15 mins Portions: 8


500g frozen blueberries

500g frozen cherries

800g pitted prunes in juice not syrup (2 tins)

1 overripe banana (optional to sweeten and thicken)

1 tbsp coconut oil (good brain fats and helps it to solidify once cool)

2 tsp ginger powder

2 tsp cinnamon powder

Optional - Tablespoonful of wheatgrass for a boost of iron energy and to help you clear any heavy metals.


Put the coconut oil and spices into a pot on a low heat, once the coconut oil has melted, add the fruit. Once thawed, blitz with handheld blender and serve or leave to cool and store in a container in your fridge.

If you’re using fresh fruits, melt the coconut oil separately in a pan, then add the fruit and blitz.

This quantity makes a big batch, so we store in the fridge for about 5 days - it’s so good!


Sliced banana

Full fat yogurt, coconut or cows

Dollop of almond butter


For the cereal crunch everyone loves my Oat-free Granola for its brain boosting benefits the nuts provide for the vitamin E and omega oils - not to mention tasty!

Or if you're pushed for time, Coconut and Almond flakes, or just plain mixed nuts will do the same job.