How Porridge could be contributing to Chronic Fatigue and more!

This article covers

  • Intro

  • Why we say ‘no to porridge’

  • Why gluten isn’t just the issue

  • Science of what happens digestively

  • The unwanted symptoms that eating porridge daily can cause

Why no Porridge?


Yes, I know a lovely warm bowl of porridge is so comforting on a cold, dark, wintery morning, BUT if you are experiencing fatigue, inflammation, headaches, dizziness, or weight that you just can’t shift, then eliminating porridge might just be the answer.

OUR EXPERIENCE - why we say no to porridge

After giving our daughter who was 3 years old at the time a supermarket granola, we noticed her teeth started going grey, almost see through at the worst point, I researched into how the body digests oats and realised it was the problem. The result of the Phytic Acid blocking her absorption of the good nutrients.

So we cut them out and within a few weeks her teeth gradually got their whiteness began again.

For me it would trigger Hashimoto’s Disease, an autoimmune condition, with an array of unwanted symptoms, but avoiding oats would let me live like I didn’t have the susceptibility in the first place.

In my clinical experience, clients have come to with a plethora of symptoms including bloating, constipation, fatigue, chronic inflammation, fibromyalgia, weight that’s hard to shift and headaches. When I’ve been through their diet, eliminated grains, what are still eating?! Yes porridge oats! So we cut out the oats and the symptoms diminish! The body is able to absorb and eliminate effectively again and therefore heal itself. Just as it should.

THE UNPOPULAR OPINION - gluten isn’t the issue

Unfortunately even choosing gluten free oats still want stop the problem, because it’s not just the gluten that is an issue, it’s the body’s inability to break down the oats’ protein. Slowing digestion down, causing poor elimination, absorb other nutrients, more specifically minerals.

What happens digestively?

The science

What is phytic acid?

Grains, seeds, nuts, beans and legumes all store phosphorus as phytic acid. Phytic acid then binds to a mineral within the seed where it is then known as a phytate.

Phytates cause issues with absorption, often known as the anti-nutrient, aka the mineral blocker!

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‘Oats are high in Phytic Acid which can block your body's ability to absorb vital minerals that keep you well and healthy.’

- Laura J Humphreys


you can lower the PHYTIC ACID IN OATS

Soaking your oats for 7-15 hours, or overnight at room temperature (not in the fridge) stimulates a fermentation process, allowing the natural enzymes and other helpful organisms to neutralise a large portion of the phytic acid within the grain.

this still won’t necessarily solve the problem

Oats are high in carbohydrates and fibre, which can also be tricky digestively for the body to break down, causing constipation and therefore malabsorption issues. Leaving you feeling, tired, sluggish, bloated, headachy, not sleeping well, inflamed, the list can go on!

Typical symptoms

when minerals aren’t absorbed efficiently

  • Anaemia

  • Bloating

  • Constipating

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Fatigue

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Headaches / migraines

  • Weight that’s hard to shift